Power House Plastering, Inc. employees take responsibility to make safety their top priority while on our projects. Their commitment is to work safely and use all precautions necessary to assure a safe working environment.
As the President of Power House Plastering, Inc., I give our employees the authority to stop any act that appears to be unsafe and I challenge them to accept their responsibility to work safely. I am vested in the health and safety of our employees for them and their family. There is not any project or task that is more important than an individual’s health and safety.
Our goal is ZERO ACCIDENTS on every project. We cannot reach our goal without the participation of each employee. Employees at Power House Plastering, Inc. are expected to work as a team when it comes to safety. I expect each employee to encourage each other and participate in making sure everyone performs their work in a safe environment.
Our employees are the most valuable asset we have. If they are unfamiliar with their environment or unsure of the safety of the task, we empower them to stop work and contact their supervisor. Accidents occur as a result of lack of communication, information, or knowledge of scope and environment.
Unsafe acts do not only affect the offender, but also endanger fellow employees, facilities, and family. We have a Zero Tolerance Policy in place that demands any willful unsafe acts will be followed up with employment termination. We will not tolerate the acts of one that affect the lives of all.
We have a comprehensive program that is a guide to be used in conjunction with Federal OSHA, Arizona OSHA (ADOSH), Nevada OSHA and our customers’ programs. This is a living document that is subject to be added to if the above referenced documents are more comprehensive.
Danny Gunsallus
Power House Plastering, Inc.
As the President of Power House Plastering, Inc., I give our employees the authority to stop any act that appears to be unsafe and I challenge them to accept their responsibility to work safely. I am vested in the health and safety of our employees for them and their family. There is not any project or task that is more important than an individual’s health and safety.
Our goal is ZERO ACCIDENTS on every project. We cannot reach our goal without the participation of each employee. Employees at Power House Plastering, Inc. are expected to work as a team when it comes to safety. I expect each employee to encourage each other and participate in making sure everyone performs their work in a safe environment.
Our employees are the most valuable asset we have. If they are unfamiliar with their environment or unsure of the safety of the task, we empower them to stop work and contact their supervisor. Accidents occur as a result of lack of communication, information, or knowledge of scope and environment.
Unsafe acts do not only affect the offender, but also endanger fellow employees, facilities, and family. We have a Zero Tolerance Policy in place that demands any willful unsafe acts will be followed up with employment termination. We will not tolerate the acts of one that affect the lives of all.
We have a comprehensive program that is a guide to be used in conjunction with Federal OSHA, Arizona OSHA (ADOSH), Nevada OSHA and our customers’ programs. This is a living document that is subject to be added to if the above referenced documents are more comprehensive.
Danny Gunsallus
Power House Plastering, Inc.
Read Power House Plastering Comprehensive Program